Time & Location
Jan 12, 2023, 7:00 p.m. – Jan 13, 2023, 9:00 p.m.
Barcelona, Carrer del Rec Comtal, 8, bajos 1, 08003 Barcelona, Spain
About the event
Stop making excuses. Make videos showing your passion. You need more clients. It´s not a question- all of us do. You are like 98% of entrepreneurs I know- scared to make videos even though they know they should.
Like my relationship with brocolli.
I should eat it but I hate it. So I don´t
welcome to your brocolli class- covered with cheesy humor and humanness You will enjoy this session.
To make a video, you need to just do it!
1. Your first sentence must show that you understand your clients. Start with a fascinating fact or a surprising statistic, mention their problem, offer a solution, ask a question or hint at a story.
2. People hire coaches based on feeling, much more than on certificates or qualifications. They need to be vulnerable with you in their process and if they don’t like or trust you- they will not progress. So, the big question is: How do you get people to like and trust you in a short amount of time?
Building Trust Has a Formula
Credibility + Reliability + Intimacy = Trustworthiness
As a Gestalt therapist, I have seen many situations where women have put up a wall to protect themselves from getting hurt emotionally. Yet this same wall keeps intimacy, love and deep relationships on the outside knocking to get in. The door cannot open without intimacy, honesty and being oneself. I have come to understand that the best way for you to be yourself is to be brave. You must be you- authentically you- on video.
How2BeYou was founded with the vision of helping women get their ideas heard. To do that, you need to have the confidence to be yourself in three areas.
facing Imposter Syndrome
training Body Language
structuring a non-boring video
People need to see you seven times before they buy from you, so video is the cheapest, easiest way to gain clients´ trust.
We will jump into activities on Thursday Jan 12 and you will leave feeling more confident- having practiced immediately with humor and humanness.
Three tips on how to be visible and comfortable on camera:
1. Always be clear and know your audience so you know what to talk about.
2. Focus your topics on their pain points and their outcomes.
3. Have a solid structure that offers tips and a call to action.
Link to buy ticket.